Beatrice Joanna

Model, currently in Sweden


Here you will read about Beatrice Joanna, who she is and what she has done.


Here you will find Beatrice Joanna’s portfolio. She have worked with lots of talented photographers, makeup artists, magazines and fashion designers.


Photographer for this photo:
Thomas Ohlsson
(Instagram) @thomasohlssonphotography
Photo published in magazine: MALVIE magazine (French magazine) (Instagram) @malviemag

Beatrice Joanna Övall Nordqvist is 20 years old and live currently in Sweden. She is dedicated to her dreams and doesn´t give up easily. Beatrice Joanna always does her very best and always work on herself to grow as a person and in her career.

Beatrice Joanna's work:
Beatrice Joanna has worked with photographers, MUA:s, fashion designers, magazines and clothing brands. The photo shoots have been in studios, in cafés, on the beach, in the city on streets and in parks, in big malls and so on. She loves to create something beautiful, creative, and inspiring together with people.

In her spare time she loves to ride her horses, she even competes in dressage. Beatrice Joanna also loves to sing and act and is currently working on these areas as well. She loves to have dance breaks in the middle of the day to let loose of stress and to be in the moment. She practices meditation and workout to keep her body and mind in shape.

Want to get in contact with Beatrice Joanna? Tap on one of the icons down below that suits you best and she will get back to you as fast as possible.


Photographers Instagram for the different photos.
1. @thomasohlssonphotography
1. Magazine: @malviemag
2. @smallfieldphoto
3. @thomasohlssonphotography
3. Magazine: @malviemag
4. Photographer: @hamidhrg 4.FashionDesigner@zahrasaberi21
5. @smallfieldphoto
6. @spuhrmedia
7. @smallfieldphoto
8. @spuhrmedia
9. @smallfieldphoto
10. @thomasohlssonphotography
11. @pablosu
12. @thomasohlssonphotography
13. @thomasohlssonphotography
13. Magazine: @malviemag
14. @smallfieldphoto
15. @smallfieldphoto
16. @2optics
17. @thomasohlssonphotography
18. @malmolocalsguide
19. @spuhrmedia
20. Photographer: @hamidhrg